For pretty much his entire life, Cadwallader's life and mine were wrapped around each other. We knew each others rhythms, and shared worktime (sometimes him laying on my work or keyboard), catnaps, physics youtubes, and an entire morning ritual involving coffee, books, outdoors, and other little things.

Jack was our family's best friend for 15+ years. He was such a good dog. It breaks our hearts to let him go but it was time. Rest in Peace little Buddy. ~Melissa S

You were one in a million Apple Pie. We never once gave up on you and your many health issues. Your little body just could not endure one more thing. We love you so, so much...Until we meet at The Bridge. We love you Apple Pie. ~Shannon C

She was always talking and flipping her tail just like a true diva. She is greatly missed. ~Dr. MacKenzie

He was a spit-fire from the day I brought him home at 4 weeks old. He lived up to his name until the day he passed from pancreatic cancer. His antics will live on in our memories. -Dr MacKenzie

We lost our JD on Sunday January 8th 2017. JD had been ill for a while. New Year’s weekend, he started going downhill fast, he became sicker and weaker every day. I would never be ready to say goodbye but looking in his eyes every time he fell, I knew I had to let go. It was time. - Robin C.

Even though we knew Dizzy was suffering, making the decision to say goodbye to him was one of the hardest decisions we ever made. We had to put him through many car rides over the span of his illness and making one last trip to the vet was the last thing we wanted to do. Thankfully we had the option of calling Pets at Peace which allowed him to be surrounded by family while he lay on his favorite spot on the couch. -Katherine P.

Buddy was our dog for 15.5 years. The hardest thing was letting him go. I realized I was holding on for my own selfish reasons. Dr MacKenzie came to our home and gave us the time to say our goodbyes. We know he went peacefully, in our arms, no longer suffering...and is looking down at us from the rainbow bridge waiting for us to be together again. -Patti F.

Having you come to our home, where Molly was most comfortable, surrounded by her family and familiar sounds and smells made her final moments as well as my final moments with her easier. I am certain of that, the whole process was so gentle and loving. I miss her very much our home is not the same but I know in my heart she knew not only through her life but into the after how much she was loved and a huge part of that is because of you. -Jackie N.
If you would like us to place a memorial to your pet on our page, click on the botton below. We would be happy to do so.
978-539-7387 drmac@petsatpeacema.com Middleton, MA 01949